#1 Spiced up Shiplap
In 2018 designers are leaning toward anything but horizontal shiplap, I’m talking vertical or diagonal will be taking over in 2018. I recently incorporated vertical shiplap in our bathroom remodel seen here with a few other examples of vertical shiplap. Diagonal shiplap is still is the design phase for most srchitectural projects except this DIY tutorial I found from Vintage Revivals in 2013! Mandi is way ahead of the game.
#2 Black Sinks
Goodbye stainless steel, we want color in our sinks in 2018 and not just any color, how about a bold shade of black!
#3 Lots of yummy Velvet
I’m not terribly into this one…I have seen a lot of girls wearing crushed velvet shirts and while it does look cozy it’s just not my thing…I do however, while it is ridiculously trendy…think back to your grandparents, or great grandparents velvet couch… go with a velvet chair. Check out these examples that get even me excited!
#4 My old friend Lavender
Purple was my favorite color growing up, every gift giving from family was purple or bugs bunny…heck I even had a bunny named bugs, unfortunately he wasn’t purple. Fast forward today I love gray…and white…so lame but true. This year however, I know that Pantone has named Ultra Violet the color of 2018, but I think it’s going to be more of a lavender, mauve, color…almost a little pink.
#5 Dark Exteriors
I have loved dark exteriors because it is the extreme opposite of a white interior and it hides dirt. I especially love dark bat and board siding. <3 These are some of my favorite Pins of all time, Salted Design Studio on Pinterest. When we update our exterior I plan to go with something like this.
#5 Wall Mounted Faucets
We did this in our new bathroom & I absolutely love it…even if it was a bit of a struggle with the fixture I bought off ebay, thanks Jenna Sue!
#7 Penny Tile Word Art
I thought about doing this in our home but just didn’t have a tiled space big enough. It it such a beautiful sight when it’s done properly!