So we finally did it! We bought our first boat! It’s a 17′ Boston Whaler Montauk, an uber popular boat. And the style is a “Montauk” which is one of our favorite places to venture off to on Long Island! 😊 Seems perfectly fitting to me, right?!

BUT before we could use it we needed to give it a really good scrubin’. So, determined to do it on a budget I went to the Dollar Tree and got a 1. scrub brush, 2. their version of “Magic Erasers”, 3. Bleach, 4. Comet, and 5. softer scruber pads that can get into the smaller crevices. And that was all we needed to get this nasty, filthy, boat on the left here to look shiny and white like it is in that picture up above! Those other boats are part of the family fleet, we dream to have our own live aboard boat one day! But this “Montauk” is where we’re at right now, and we are fine with that…we want to learn the process and get the kids comfortable and built their trust and respect for the water.

Cleaning Instructions:
Items we already had: a bucket 1/2 filled with water and a deck scrub brush (you don’t have to use this but it makes scrubbing the deck easier).
Keep the bleach less than a 50/50 ratio…that’s to say have slightly more water than bleach in your bucket…
that’s to say have slightly more water than bleach in your bucket…this makes for a powerful cleaning solution. And get scrubbing! And remember, the more hands the lighter the work! Teamwork makes the dream work, so we got our kids to help.
I am not big on toxic cleaning products like bleach, but in this situation I felt like it was completely necessary. The boat had been neglected for a few years for sure and we wanted to get her prim and proper for the fam. 😊 Also with that said we didn’t use rubber gloves or boots and we didn’t have any skin irritation, we did keep a hose running in the boat to constantly rinse as we moved around. The magic eraser is key for getting off stubborn stains, so I highly reccomend them. I don’t see much difference in Magic Erasers vs the Doller Tree ones. I use and love both, the Dollar Tree was just closer to where the boat is docked…not to mention cheap cheap cheap! I hopw you enjoyed this post on how to get your boat squeeky clean while spending only $5 on items at your local Dollar Tree!
PS: Follow us on instagram for live stories on all our projects! We’re also on facebook and pinterest! pssst! those are clickable links, click them and follow. 😊 Lastly, shop my Amazon favs!